I’ve made a few posters


I try to Render

OpenChemE is a team led by Dr. Jonathan Verrett aimed at improving the academic experience for chemical engineering students at UBC.
Our work focuses on creating an online textbook in order to fill in gaps left by traditional methods of teaching as well as introducing coding skills that are much needed in the industry today. We push for the use of Python as it is quick to learn and versatile in utilty particularly Jupyter notebooks to deliver content. Current works can be viewed on our Github. Link to full poster.

A Disruptive Initiaive: A Bio-Based Production of Adipic Acid is undergraduate Capstone (or undergraduate thesis project) for Chemical Engineering.
This project is the culmination of 8 months of developing a plant capable of producing adpidic acid from bacteria and creating a production scale of 40,000 tonnes per year. This project explores the opportunity to circumvent conventional production of adipic acid which created using fossil fuels and challenges us as engineers to innovate to meet today's issues. Link to full poster.

Chem-E-Car stands for chemical electric car. The goal of the competition is for teams to develop a car that can be controlled by a chemical reaction to stop at a certain distance.
This team provided me the opportunity to learn about all the different aspects taht go into the team from the iodine clock chemistry, to the Arduino systems that power the car. In the 3 years thatt I had been a part of the team, our membership grew from ~10 to 40 people and have rebranded to be UBC Envision

The Biofoundry at UBC is a research lab at UBC dedicated to adressing global issues through the use of Metabolic and green engineering.
My work there was to develop an apparatus that could measure the trauma induced onto a 3D brain organoids to provide a model for better understanding Alzheimer's disease.

In the steps to designing a plant, it is required to have a layout of the process and how materials flow and react (known as a process flow diagram [PFD]). Digrams for Piping and instrumentation (P&ID) must also be created for this purpose. Plant 3D was used for this although AutoCad could be just as easily used with the difference being pre-compiled libraries of unit operations in Plant 3D. More drawings can be found here.
I made a Solidworks render with the parts from Thorlabs to pre-visualize the apparatus before procuring the parts. Learning to produce systematic mates and test for clearance and interference was arduous but informative.

Part of the pre-visualization of my trauma apparatus. The second half can be seen here.
This is the Chem-E-Car render I created to be submitted for a video competition in Barcelona. You can see the full video here.